Angel One获得SEBI批准 建立一个新的共同基金 重点是指数基金和ETF Angel One gets SEBI approval for a new mutual fund focusing on index funds and ETFs.
印度的SEBI批准了Angel One资产管理公司,以管理新的Angel One互助基金,该基金专门从事被动投资选择,如指数基金和ETF。 Angel One Asset Management Company has been approved by India's SEBI to manage the new Angel One Mutual Fund, specializing in passive investment options like index funds and ETFs. 该公司旨在使这些金融产品为印度的零售投资者更容易获得和负担得起。 The company aims to make these financial products more accessible and affordable for retail investors in India. Angel One的股票价格大幅上涨。 Following the news, Angel One's stock price increased significantly.