UFO Rodeo将Emma Henderson和Wade Beeby加入领导队伍, 提升创意与活动。 UFO Rodeo adds Emma Henderson and Wade Beeby to its leadership to boost its creative and event offerings.
以新西兰为基地的一家创意公司UFO Rodeo扩大了其领导团队,增加了Emma Henderson作为Ballyhoo的负责人,侧重于事件和启动活动,Wade Beeby担任Augusto创意分部总经理。 UFO Rodeo, a New Zealand-based creative company, has expanded its leadership team with the addition of Emma Henderson as head of Ballyhoo, focusing on events and activations, and Wade Beeby as General Manager of the creative division, Augusto. 亨德森曾在新西兰餐馆协会和世界展望组织工作过,而比比则与谷歌和亚马逊等主要客户合作。 Henderson has experience with the Restaurant Association of New Zealand and World Vision, while Beeby has worked with major clients like Google and Amazon. 预计这些雇用将加强公司讲故事和创造性的提供。 The hires are expected to enhance the company's storytelling and creative offerings.