Sarah通过一场30英镑的Omaze比赛赢得了50万英镑的威尔士住房,但由于成本高昂,过去的赢家已经出售。 Sarah won a £500,000 Welsh house through a £30 Omaze contest, but past winners have sold due to high costs.
Sarah, 一个53岁的会计师, 通过Omaze's Great Escape House Draw 在威尔士赢得了50万英镑的房子, Sarah, a 53-year-old accountant, won a £500,000 house in Wales through Omaze's Great Escape House Draw, paying just £30 to enter. 现代家园包括现代厨房、宽敞的居住区和生态友好的特色。 The contemporary home includes a modern kitchen, spacious living area, and eco-friendly features. 虽然Sarah现在可以回到家庭根基,但先前的获奖者面临维持和管理费用高昂的挑战,有时导致他们不顾现金和印花税,出售其奖品房屋。 While Sarah can now return to her family roots, previous winners have faced challenges with high maintenance and running costs, sometimes leading them to sell their prize homes despite receiving cash and having stamp duty covered.