一人在南卡罗来纳州Greenwood的公寓火灾中死亡;原因正在调查之中。 A person died in an apartment fire in Greenwood, South Carolina; cause under investigation.
南卡罗来纳州格林伍德的剑桥公寓发生公寓火灾,导致一人死亡。 A person died in an apartment fire at the Cambridge Apartments in Greenwood, South Carolina. 起火时起于客厅的坐椅上。 The fire started beside a reclining chair in the living room. 当局正在调查这起事件,没有可疑的违法活动。 Authorities are investigating the incident, with no foul play suspected. Greenwood县警察局、州执法司和Greenwood县验尸官办公室参与了调查。 The Greenwood County Sheriff's Office, State Law Enforcement Division, and Greenwood County Coroner's Office are involved in the investigation.