北达科他州民意调查显示,人们大力支持免费学校膳食、儿童保育和负担得起的住房。 North Dakota poll shows strong support for free school meals, childcare, and affordable housing.
最近,在北达科他州进行的一次全州范围的民意调查表明,大力支持政府参与提供免费学校膳食、资助儿童保育和支持经济适用住房。 A recent statewide poll in North Dakota indicates strong support for government involvement in providing free school meals, funding childcare, and supporting affordable housing. 调查了500名成年人的民意测验发现,82%的人支持免费学校用餐,61%的人支持儿童保育倡议,68%的人支持更负担得起的住房支助。 The poll, which surveyed 500 adults, found that 82% support free school meals, 61% back childcare initiatives, and 68% favor more affordable housing support. 尽管有保守的气候,这些结果可能会影响即将举行的立法会议。 Despite a conservative climate, these results may influence the upcoming legislative session.