新西兰中央银行预计将将利率削减0.5%,以刺激经济。 New Zealand's central bank is expected to cut interest rates by 0.5% to boost the economy.
预计新西兰储备银行(RBNZ)在此前的削减之后,将于11月27日将其现金汇率降低50个基点。 The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) is anticipated to lower its cash rate by 50 basis points on November 27th, following previous reductions. 此举旨在刺激受国内和全球因素影响的艰难经济。 This move aims to stimulate a struggling economy affected by domestic and global factors. RBNZ影子委员会和其他机构预测这一削减将有助于利率恢复中性地位并促进经济增长。 The RBNZ Shadow Board and other institutions predict this cut will help the rate return to a neutral position and boost economic growth. 预计新西兰元将进一步贬值,由于这些减速和经济条件,到年底可能降至58美分。 The New Zealand dollar is expected to weaken further, potentially falling to 58 US cents by year-end due to these rate cuts and economic conditions.