新西兰削减学校午餐经费以节省资金,将资金转用于帮助10 000名学龄前儿童,引发辩论。 New Zealand cuts school lunch funding to save money, redirecting funds to help 10,000 preschoolers, sparking debate.
新西兰政府计划通过削减学校午餐经费,每年节省1.3亿美元,这将使多达10 000名学龄前儿童能够通过与儿童学校的合同受益。 New Zealand's government plans to save $130 million annually by cutting school lunch funding, which will allow up to 10,000 preschoolers to benefit through a contract with KidsCan. 然而,一些学校面临大量资金流失,可能给工作人员和社区联系带来压力。 However, some schools face losing significant funding, potentially straining staff and community ties. 批评者认为,削减了每顿3美元的美食减让性餐质量预算,而支持者则认为财政可持续性是必要的。 Critics argue the reduced budget of $3 per meal compromises meal quality, while supporters see the need for financial sustainability.