Meta在Facebook、Instagram和Treads等新条款中, 给予该公司无限使用Facebook、Instagram和Treads用户文章的权利。 Meta's new terms give the company unlimited rights to user posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads.
Meta更新了脸书、Instagram和Treads的服务条件,自2025年1月1日起生效。 Meta has updated its Terms of Service for Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, effective January 1, 2025. 用户自动允许Meta不受限制地访问他们张贴的内容,允许公司不经同意或付款使用和重新使用这些内容。 Users automatically grant Meta unlimited access to their posted content, allowing the company to use and repurpose it without consent or payment. 此项许可将持续到邮件或账户被删除为止。 This permission stays until posts or accounts are deleted. 新的术语以更明确的语言澄清了现有政策,强调用户对这些变化的认识。 The new terms clarify existing policies with clearer language, emphasizing user awareness of these changes.