Mamatha Rai's Kadike Trust 重振Udupi sari 手工艺品, 增加当地编织者的收入, 吸引年轻工匠。 Mamatha Rai's Kadike Trust revives Udupi sari craft, boosting local weavers' income and attracting young artisans.
Kadike Trust的创始人Mamatha Rai在印度国家艺术和文化遗产信托基金举办的一次活动上讨论了Udupi sari的复兴问题。 Mamatha Rai, founder of Kadike Trust, discussed the revival of the Udupi sari at an event held by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage. 她的努力通过与当地编织商合作以及实施各种倡议,如研究、培训和品牌等,帮助保护了几乎已丢失的手工艺。 Her efforts have helped preserve the craft, which was nearly lost, by working with local weavers and implementing various initiatives like research, training, and branding. 沙里岛现在有一个不断扩大的市场和地理标识标签,为编织工提供收入,吸引年轻一代。 The sari now has a growing market and a Geographical Indication tag, providing income for weavers and attracting younger generations.