创新生物学,在EMESO亚洲大会上提供很有希望的胰腺癌治疗数据。 Innovent Biologics to present promising pancreatic cancer treatment data at ESMO Asia Congress.
中国一家主要生物制药公司 -- -- 创新生物学公司 -- -- 将在12月的ESMO亚洲大会上提出多种新癌症治疗临床数据。 Innovent Biologics, a leading Chinese biopharmaceutical company, will present clinical data for multiple new cancer treatments at the ESMO Asia Congress in December. 其中的关键是IBI343的第一阶段数据,这是一种新型药物,在治疗胰腺癌方面很有前途。 Key among these is the Phase 1 data for IBI343, a novel drug showing promise in treating pancreatic cancer. 该公司强调该药物的有效性和安全性,表明癌症治疗的潜在进展。 The company highlights the drug's effectiveness and safety, signaling potential advancements in cancer treatment.