印度财政部长在议会中提出修订银行法和其他措施的法案。 Indian Finance Minister to introduce bills amending banking laws and other measures in Parliament.
在印度议会即将举行的冬季会议期间,财政部长Nirmala Sitharaman将提出修正银行法的法案,包括修改《印度储备银行法》和《银行管理法》。 During the upcoming Winter Session of the Indian Parliament, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will introduce bills to amend banking laws, including changes to the Reserve Bank of India Act and Banking Regulation Act. 《铁路(修正)法案》也将推出。 The Railways (Amendment) Bill will also be introduced. 其他动议将涉及在册种姓和部落福利委员会及印度理工学院的选举。 Other motions will cover elections to committees for welfare of Scheduled Castes and Tribes, and Indian Institutes of Technology.