印度导演Sandeep Modi的“夜间经理”代表印度参加2024年国际Emmy奖。 Indian director Sandeep Modi's "The Night Manager" represents India at the 2024 International Emmy Awards.
印度导演桑迪普·莫迪在2024年国际Emmy奖系列“夜间经理”中代表印度表示自豪。 Indian director Sandeep Modi expressed pride in representing India at the 2024 International Emmy Awards for the series "The Night Manager." 节目主演是Anil Kapoor和Aditya Roy Kapoor, 这是印度唯一进入最佳戏剧系列的节目。 The show, starring Anil Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapoor, is India's sole entry in the Best Drama Series category. Indo-American艺术理事会庆祝这一提名,强调这一系列的文化影响和全球呼吁。 The Indo-American Arts Council celebrated the nomination, highlighting the series' cultural impact and global appeal. 由喜剧演员Vir Das主办的颁奖仪式标志着印度在国际舞台上讲故事的一个重要里程碑。 The awards ceremony, hosted by comedian Vir Das, marks a significant milestone for Indian storytelling on the international stage.