前NRL玩家Corey Oates 加入布里斯班KIIS的早餐秀 取代Ali Clarke Former NRL player Corey Oates joins Brisbane's KIIS breakfast show, replacing Ali Clarke.
前RRL玩家Corey Oates加入了KIIS Brisbane早餐电台节目组,与Robin Bailey和Kip Wightman并肩演出。 Former NRL player Corey Oates has joined the KIIS Brisbane breakfast radio show team alongside Robin Bailey and Kip Wightman. 该节目现名为“Robin & Kip, 与Corey Oates同在”, 将定期播出Oates节目, 直到2025年1月返回为止。 The show, now called "Robin & Kip now with Corey Oates," will feature Oates regularly through the week until their return in January 2025. 这一变化是在Ali Clarke离开Mix 102.3的早餐秀后发生的,Max Burford继续担任联合主持人。 This change follows Ali Clarke's departure from Mix 102.3's breakfast show, with Max Burford continuing as co-host.