日本前官僚Kozo Iizuka,93岁,在东京造成2019年致命车祸后死于监狱。 Former Japanese bureaucrat Kozo Iizuka, 93, died in prison after causing a fatal 2019 car crash in Tokyo.
93岁的日本前官僚Kozo Iizuka在东京于2019年发生车祸,造成一名31岁妇女及其3岁女儿死亡,另有9人受伤,在服完刑期后死在狱中。 Former Japanese bureaucrat Kozo Iizuka, 93, died in prison after serving time for a 2019 car crash in Tokyo that killed a 31-year-old woman and her 3-year-old daughter, and injured nine others. Iizuka误认为油气踏板是刹车用的。 Iizuka mistook the gas pedal for the brake. 法庭命令他向受害人家属支付约1.4亿日元。 The court ordered him to pay around 140 million yen to the victims' families. 他的案件导致讨论防止日本老年驾驶员发生事故的问题。 His case led to discussions on preventing accidents involving older drivers in Japan.