Dinesh Bhatia是一位有经验的印度外交官,被任命为印度下一任驻巴西大使。 Dinesh Bhatia, an experienced Indian diplomat, appointed as India's next ambassador to Brazil.
印度外交官Dinesh Bhatia被任命为印度下一任驻巴西大使。 Dinesh Bhatia, an Indian Foreign Service officer, has been appointed as India's next ambassador to Brazil. 目前,他担任阿根廷大使,并曾担任多伦多总领事和科特迪瓦、几内亚和利比里亚大使。 Currently, he serves as the ambassador to Argentina and has previously held roles as Consul General in Toronto and ambassador to Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, and Liberia. Bhatia于1992年加入这项服务,在包括马德里、加德满都和科威特在内的各种驻外使团中具有丰富的经验。 Bhatia, who joined the service in 1992, has extensive experience in various missions abroad, including in Madrid, Kathmandu, and Kuwait. 他拥有工程学士学位,并撰写过两本书。 He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree and has authored two books.