丹麦Trifork和瑞士邮政局合作伙伴为瑞士医疗保健开发一个新的、安全的云基病历记录系统。 Danish Trifork and Swiss Post partner to develop a new, secure cloud-based patient record system for Swiss healthcare.
丹麦技术公司Trifork和瑞士邮政局正在联手为瑞士建立一个新的基于云的电子病人记录系统。 Danish tech firm Trifork and Swiss Post are teaming up to create a new cloud-based electronic patient record system for Switzerland. 其目的是通过改善数据获取和安全,使国家卫生保健基础设施现代化。 This aims to modernize the country's healthcare infrastructure by improving data access and security. 瑞士邮局将利用Trifork在数字保健解决方案方面的经验,在当地运作该系统,取代目前的平台,并增加电子处方等功能。 Swiss Post will operate the system locally using Trifork's experience in digital health solutions, replacing the current platform and adding features like e-prescriptions. 该项目优先采用安全技术保护个人健康数据。 The project prioritizes secure technology to protect personal health data.