竞争局调查了Leon的家具和Brick仓库涉嫌误导定价和营销。 Competition Bureau investigates Leon's Furniture and Brick Warehouse for alleged misleading pricing and marketing.
竞争局正在调查Leon的家具有限公司和Brick仓库有限责任公司对其定价和营销做法的关切。 The Competition Bureau is investigating Leon's Furniture Ltd. and The Brick Warehouse LP over concerns about their pricing and marketing practices. 该局声称,这些公司在相当长的时期内没有按正常价格提供产品,并且对促销的结束日期作了误导性的陈述。 The bureau claims the companies did not offer products at regular prices for substantial periods and made misleading statements about promotion end dates. 两家公司都与调查合作。 Both companies are cooperating with the investigation.