阿塞拜疆和伊朗部队开展联合军事演习“Araz-2024”,以加强合作和安全。 Azerbaijan and Iran's forces conduct joint military exercise "Araz-2024" to enhance cooperation and security.
阿塞拜疆和伊朗特种部队正在伊朗Ardabil省Aslanduz附近进行称为“Araz-2024”的联合军事演习。 Azerbaijan and Iran's special forces are conducting a joint military exercise called "Araz-2024" near Aslanduz in Iran's Ardabil province. 为期四天的演习涉及阿塞拜疆国土部队和伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队地面部队。 The four-day drill involves the Azerbaijani Land Forces and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Ground Forces. 演习旨在加强军事合作,改进反恐努力,加强两国共同边界沿线的安全。 The exercise aims to enhance military cooperation, improve counter-terrorism efforts, and strengthen security along their shared borders. 它随后举行指挥官-工作人员会议,讨论安全规程和演习顺序。 It follows a command-staff meeting where safety protocols and exercise sequences were discussed.