澳大利亚夫妇将遗产捐赠给慈善机构,这是 17% 的夫妇考虑类似捐赠的趋势的一部分。 Australian couple donates estate to charity, part of a trend seeing 17% considering similar gifts.
83岁的Ian Wood和来自南澳大利亚州的Nancy 82岁的他的妻子Nancy是澳大利亚老年人中日益增长的趋势的一部分,他们将很大一部分遗产留给他们自愿的慈善机构。 Ian Wood, 83, and his wife Nancy, 82, from South Australia, are part of a growing trend among older Australians to leave a significant portion of their estates to charity in their wills. 这对夫妇计划向失明慈善机构和痴呆症研究等事业捐款,这反映了一个更广泛的转变,即17%的澳大利亚人正在考虑此类捐赠,13%的人已经命名了慈善机构。 The couple plans to donate to causes like blindness charities and dementia research, reflecting a broader shift where 17% of Australians are considering such gifts, and 13% have already named charities. 这些遗赠占慈善筹款的近20%,预计到2050年,捐款将达到35亿美元。 These bequests account for almost 20% of charitable fundraising, with contributions expected to reach $3.5 billion by 2050.