Vistra Energy作为能源供应商,在2024年领先S&P 500库存,上升332%,表明2025年继续增长。 Vistra Energy, an energy provider, leads S&P 500 stocks in 2024, up 332%, suggesting continued growth in 2025.
Vistra Energy是拥有核资产的能源供应商,是今年S&P 500公司业绩最好的库存,比Nvidia快332 % 。 Vistra Energy, an energy provider with nuclear assets, is the top-performing stock in the S&P 500 this year, up 332%, outpacing Nvidia. 从历史上看,最高的S & P 500股票在次年在10个案例中有8个表现良好。 Historically, the top S&P 500 stock continues to perform well the following year in eight out of ten cases. Vestra在AI和电网电气化等领域的增长表明,它可能在2025年保持强劲的绩效,尽管过去的业绩并不能保证未来的成果。 Vistra's growth in areas like AI and grid electrification suggests it may maintain strong performance in 2025, though past performance doesn't guarantee future results.