Victoria's Bey the Valley音乐节介绍避孕药测试,以遏制吸毒过量的风险。 Victoria's Beyond The Valley music festival introduces pill testing to curb drug overdose risks.
维多利亚的"谷外音乐节"将提供药丸测试服务,作为国家支持的试验的一部分, 允许多达35,000名与会者检查非法药物是否有有害物质. Victoria's Beyond The Valley music festival will offer a pill testing service as part of a state-backed trial, allowing up to 35,000 attendees to check illicit drugs for harmful substances. 12月28日至1月1日为期四天的活动是计划提供此项服务的10个节庆中的第一个,目的是减少过剂量风险。 The four-day event from December 28 to January 1 is the first of ten planned festivals to provide the service, aimed at reducing overdose risks. 检测是保密的,由卫生专家进行,在Victoria将避孕药检测合法化之后进行,这是澳大利亚第一个这样做的州。 The testing, which will be confidential and run by health experts, follows Victoria legalizing pill testing, making it the first state in Australia to do so.