乌克兰难民儿童正在加拿大温哥华重振一所乌克兰语学校。 Ukrainian refugee children are reviving a Ukrainian-language school in Vancouver, Canada.
逃离俄罗斯入侵的乌克兰儿童正在改变位于加拿大温哥华的一所乌克兰星期六学校。 Ukrainian children fleeing the Russian invasion are transforming a Ukrainian Saturday school in Vancouver, Canada. Ridne Slovo于2014年成立,现在为约160名2至14岁的儿童提供服务,其中包括来自乌克兰的新来儿童和当地加拿大儿童。 Established in 2014, Ridne Slovo now serves around 160 children aged 2 to 14, with a mix of newcomers from Ukraine and local Canadian kids. 学校提供讲乌克兰语的课程,包括语言、历史和数学,帮助保存乌克兰文化。 The school offers a Ukrainian-speaking curriculum including language, history, and math, helping preserve Ukrainian culture. 家长认为这对其子女与其遗产的联系至关重要。 Parents see it as vital for their children's connection to their heritage.