TSU错误使得全额奖学金学生的债务为4 900美元,迫使他考虑转学。 TSU error leaves full scholarship student with $4,900 debt, forcing him to consider transferring.
田纳西州立大学(TSU)的财政援助错误使得一名全额奖学金学生面临4 900美元的债务,无法报名参加春季班或获得宿舍分配。 A financial aid error at Tennessee State University (TSU) has left a full scholarship student facing a $4,900 debt and unable to register for spring classes or get a dorm assignment. 学生的母亲Chekesha Ibrahimzakaria感到失望,她的儿子计划转往另一所大学。 The student's mother, Chekesha Ibrahimzakaria, is disappointed, and her son plans to transfer to another university. TSU没有答复关于提供更多信息的请求。 TSU has not responded to requests for more information.