来自刚果的TP Mazembe赢得了2024年CAF妇女冠军联盟的冠军,获得第一头衔。 TP Mazembe from Congo won the 2024 CAF Women's Champions League, securing their first title.
刚果民主共和国的TP Mazembe赢得了2024年CAF妇女冠军联盟的胜利,击败了摩洛哥的AS FAR。 TP Mazembe from the Democratic Republic of Congo won the 2024 CAF Women's Champions League, defeating AS FAR in Morocco. 这次历史性的胜利标志着马赞贝在比赛中的第一个头衔 以及近十年来他们的第一个大陆奖杯 This historic victory marks Mazembe's first title in the competition and their first continental trophy in nearly a decade for the men's team. Marlene Kasaj在10分钟的开幕式上赢得了决定性目标,Mazembe保持了一张干净的床单,以保证获胜。 Marlene Kasaj scored the decisive goal in the opening 10 minutes, and Mazembe maintained a clean sheet to secure the win. 小组收到了600 000美元的奖金。 The team received $600,000 in prize money.