在哥伦比亚,数千人抗议彼得罗总统的改革,指控他腐败。 Thousands protest in Colombia against President Petro's reforms, accusing his administration of corruption.
数以万计的哥伦比亚人在大城市抗议古斯塔沃·佩特罗总统提出的健康、劳动和养老金改革, Thousands of Colombians protested in major cities against President Gustavo Petro's proposed health, labor, and pensions reforms, accusing his administration of corruption. 这些示威包括退休军官和反对派立法者,他们与Petro会面,否认这些指控,并指控抗议者企图破坏政府稳定。 The demonstrations, which included retired military officials and opposition lawmakers, were met with Petro denying the allegations and accusing protesters of trying to destabilize his government. 这些抗议活动表明,自Petro2022年就职以来,一直反对其改革议程。 These protests represent ongoing opposition to Petro's reform agenda since he took office in 2022.