盗贼假扮加利福尼亚州艾尔文居民,从UPS的交付中窃取苹果笔记本电脑。 Thief steals Apple laptop from UPS delivery by posing as resident in Irvine, California.
11月18日截获UPS送货, 窃取一台苹果笔记本电脑。 A thief in Irvine, California, stole an Apple laptop by intercepting a UPS delivery on November 18. 嫌犯在安全录像中被看到,作为居民展示了假身份证,并签署包裹,假冒了居民身份。 The suspect, seen in security footage, posed as the resident by showing a fake ID and signed for the package. 然后,小偷开着一辆灰色轿车离开,没有车牌。 The thief then drove off in a gray sedan with no plates. Irvine警察局正在调查这一事件,并寻求公共援助,以查明嫌疑人。 The Irvine Police Department is investigating the incident and seeking public assistance to identify the suspect.