由于等待对悉尼领空的批准,堪培拉和悉尼之间的海上飞机航班被推迟。 Seaplane flights between Canberra and Sydney are delayed due to pending approvals for Sydney's airspace.
计划于今年夏天发射的堪培拉和悉尼之间的海上飞机航班由于悉尼繁忙空域的核准问题而推迟。 Seaplane flights between Canberra and Sydney, planned to launch this summer, are delayed due to approval issues in Sydney's busy airspace. 虽然在堪培拉的起飞和着陆得到批准,但悉尼的最后批准尚待最后批准,推迟服务开始。 While take-offs and landings in Canberra are approved, final approvals in Sydney are still pending, postponing the service's start. 预计飞行需要大约一个小时。 The flights are expected to take about an hour.