印度最高法院的请愿书寻求调查对面临美国起诉的商人Gautam Adani的指控。 A petition in India's Supreme Court seeks investigation into charges against businessman Gautam Adani, facing U.S. indictment.
印度最高法院收到新的请愿书,要求对商人Gautam Adani的指控进行调查。 A new petition has been filed in India's Supreme Court calling for an investigation into the charges against businessman Gautam Adani. Adani是Adani集团的头头,在美国因被指控的贿赂和欺诈而面临起诉。 Adani, who heads the Adani Group, is facing indictment in the U.S. for alleged bribery and fraud. 请愿书寻求彻底审查这些指控,以评估它们对印度利益的影响。 The petition seeks a thorough examination of these charges to assess their impact on Indian interests.