五角大楼面临2万亿美元的F -35冷却系统升级难题 冒着性能风险 Pentagon grapples with $2 trillion F-35 cooling system upgrade dilemma, risking performance.
五角大楼在F -35的冷却系统上面临着代价高昂的两难困境,潜在的升级成本达到2万亿美元。 The Pentagon faces a costly dilemma over the F-35's cooling system, with potential upgrade costs reaching $2 trillion. 设计缺陷和新增能力使喷气式战斗机的冷却能力过于紧张,导致可靠性问题。 Design flaws and added capabilities have overstressed the fighter jet's cooling capacity, leading to reliability issues. 军方必须决定是采用费用较低的即时解决办法,还是采用费用昂贵的升级办法来处理未来需要,从而影响飞机的性能和费用。 The military must decide between a less expensive immediate fix or a costly upgrade to handle future needs, impacting the aircraft's performance and costs.