爱尔兰有13 000多名儿童在等待儿童残疾网络小组,其中将近9 300人等待了一年多。 Over 13,000 children in Ireland wait for Child Disability Network Teams, with nearly 9,300 waiting over a year.
爱尔兰的13 000多名儿童正在等待儿童残疾网络小组的到来,其中将近9 300名儿童等待了一年多。 Over 13,000 children in Ireland are waiting to see Child Disability Network Teams (CDNT), with nearly 9,300 waiting over a year. 国家儿童发展中心由保健和社会护理专业人员组成,为42 000多名儿童提供支助。 CDNTs consist of health and social care professionals supporting over 42,000 children. 服务模式以家庭为中心,根据个人需求提供不同层次的支助。 The service model is family-centered, offering various levels of support based on individual needs. 这些小组旨在覆盖特定地理区域内18岁以下有复杂需要的所有儿童。 The teams aim to cover all children with complex needs up to age 18 within specific geographic areas.