Flinders行动获得20 000美元的赠款,通过户外活动和辅导帮助青年。 Operation Flinders gets $20,000 grant to help youth through outdoor activities and mentorship.
Flinders行动是南澳大利亚州的一个方案,通过户外活动和辅导来改变年轻人的生活,它获得了20 000美元的赠款。 Operation Flinders, a South Australian program that transforms young lives through outdoor activities and mentorship, has received a $20,000 grant. 该方案在北弗林德尔斯山脉运作,侧重于个人成长。 The program operates in the northern Flinders Ranges and focuses on personal growth. 同时,Orroroo Carrieton地区委员会是公共卫生奖的决赛者, 因为他们的“为健康创造长寿”项目通过游泳促进健康。 Meanwhile, the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton is a finalist for public health awards for their "Making a Splash For Health Longevity" project, which promotes health through swimming.