新的警察监察长Baharul Alam博士指示警官彻底调查过去的案件,以保护无辜者。 New Police Inspector General Dr. Baharul Alam instructs officers to thoroughly investigate past cases to protect innocents.
新任警察总监Baharul Alam博士已指示警官彻底调查自8月5日以来提交的案件,以防止骚扰无辜者。 The new Inspector General of Police, Dr. Baharul Alam, has instructed police officers to thoroughly investigate cases filed since August 5 to prevent harassment of innocent people. Alam强调改善公共关系和提高警察士气,同时指导追回被盗警察武器的努力。 Alam emphasized improving public relations and boosting police morale, while also directing efforts to recover stolen police weapons. 这些指示是在与高级警官举行虚拟会晤时下达的。 The instructions were given during a virtual meeting with senior police officials.