马来西亚总理安瓦尔(Anwar Ibrahim)访问韩国, Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim visits South Korea to bolster ties on their 65th anniversary.
马来西亚总理安瓦尔·易卜拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim)从11月24日起对韩国进行为期三天的正式访问, 目的是在两国准备纪念2025年65年外交关系之际, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is on a three-day official visit to South Korea, beginning November 24, aimed at strengthening ties between the two nations as they prepare to mark 65 years of diplomatic relations in 2025. 访问内容包括与南朝鲜总统尹淑育会晤,讨论区域和国际问题。 The visit includes meetings with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and discussions on regional and international issues. 这是安瓦尔在2022年就职后 第一次正式出访韩国 It's Anwar's first official trip to South Korea since taking office in 2022.