Linda McMahon,WWE共同创始人和前参议院候选人,由Trump提名为教育秘书。 Linda McMahon, WWE co-founder and former Senate candidate, nominated as Education Secretary by Trump.
WWE共同创始人Linda McMahon将摔跤手The Rock带到2000年共和党全国大会, WWE co-founder Linda McMahon, who brought wrestler The Rock to the 2000 Republican National Convention, has long been involved in American politics. 尽管失去了两届参议院的竞选和花费了9 200万美元,她还是被特朗普总统提名为教育秘书。 Despite losing two Senate races and spending $92 million, she was nominated by President Trump as Education Secretary. 批评者担心她缺乏教学经验,WWWE的争议可能会损害教育部。 Critics worry her lack of teaching experience and the WWE's controversies could harm the Department of Education.