Kari Lake失去了亚利桑那州州长的竞选, 可能是因为她专注于拒绝选举及改变州人口统计。 Kari Lake lost Arizona governor race, possibly due to her focus on election denial and shifting state demographics.
卡里湖在亚利桑那州的州长竞选中失利,尽管前总统唐纳德特朗普在2020年赢得了该州的胜利. Kari Lake lost the Arizona gubernatorial race despite former President Donald Trump winning the state in 2020. 包括亚利桑那州人口结构的变化、偏向民主党、选民行为分散特朗普和其他候选人的支持、湖的竞选战略侧重于特朗普的虚假选举主张以及对手的强大竞选。 Factors include Arizona's shifting demographics, favoring Democrats, voter behavior that split support between Trump and other candidates, Lake's campaign strategy focused on Trump's false election claims, and an opponent's strong campaign. 湖湖对拒绝选举的强调可能也使一些选民失去兴趣。 Lake's emphasis on election denial may have also turned off some voters.