查谟和克什米尔将在12月10日前推出新的RTI门户网站,以精简信息请求。 Jammu and Kashmir to launch new RTI portal by December 10th to streamline information requests.
查谟和克什米尔首席秘书 Atal Dulloo 已指示在 12 月 10 日之前推出新的信息权 (RTI) 门户网站。 Jammu and Kashmir's Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo, has directed the launch of a new Right to Information (RTI) portal by December 10th. 这一数字平台将简化RTI应用程序,包括付款和警报。 This digital platform will streamline the RTI application process, including payments and alerts. 总务司负责所有公共当局的入职和培训官员,以确保有效利用该门户网站。 The General Administration Department is tasked with onboarding all public authorities and training officials to ensure effective use of the portal. 该门户已接近准备就绪,用户定制和付款网关已经整合。 The portal is nearly ready, with customizations and a payment gateway already integrated.