意大利Ollolai村向美国人提供1欧元的房屋,旨在振兴人口不断减少的家园。 Italian village Ollolai offers €1 homes to Americans, aiming to revitalize its shrinking population.
意大利Sardinia的Ollolai村(Ollolai)向对美国政治不满的美国人提供1欧元房产, The Italian village of Ollolai on Sardinia is offering €1 properties to Americans disenchanted with U.S. politics, aiming to boost its declining population. 该村提供1欧元的修复房、10万欧元以下的完全翻新房和数字游牧民免费临时住房。 The village provides fixer-upper homes for €1, fully renovated homes for up to €100,000, and free temporary homes for digital nomads. 超过40,000人表示有兴趣,市长愿意协助采购过程。 Over 40,000 people have shown interest, and the mayor offers assistance with the purchasing process.