爱尔兰手工艺女推出生态友好玩具租赁服务,Dlulukaloo Wooden玩具,减少浪费和成本。 Irish craftswoman launches eco-friendly toy rental service, Dlulukaloo Wooden Toys, reducing waste and cost.
一位爱尔兰手工艺女已推出Dlulukaloo Wooden玩具, 这是一种生态友好玩具租赁服务, An Irish craftswoman has launched Dlulukaloo Wooden Toys, an eco-friendly toy rental service inspired by an Australian initiative. 父母可以在决定购买之前租一个月的玩具, Parents can rent toys for a month before deciding to buy, helping save money and reduce waste. 该服务由蒙特索里摇滚乐家、平衡板和旋转鼓组成,将在12月4日至8日爱尔兰最大的手工艺博览会上展示。 The service, featuring Montessori rockers, balance boards, and spinning drums, will be showcased at Ireland's largest craft fair, Gifted, from December 4th to 8th. 父母支付保证金和租金,如果购买玩具,则退还费用。 Parents pay a security deposit and rental fee, with the fee refunded if they purchase the toy.