印度经济以中等的6.5%增长,强劲的部门抵消了缓慢的消费。 India's economy grows at a moderate 6.5%, with strong sectors offsetting sluggish consumption.
根据汇丰银行全球研究,印度经济的55%继续呈正增长,在迅速增长后进入了中等阶段。 According to HSBC Global Research, 55% of India's economy continues to grow positively, marking a moderate phase after rapid gains. 农业和建筑部门表现良好,政府支出和对小企业的信贷也在扩大。 Agriculture and construction sectors are performing well, with government spending and credit to small businesses also expanding. 然而,农村和城市地区的消费缓慢,采矿业和公用事业已经下降。 However, consumption in rural and urban areas is sluggish, and mining and utilities have declined. 国内生产总值的总体增长率正在趋同到一个更可持续的6.5%的增长率。 Overall GDP growth is converging to a more sustainable rate of 6.5%.