Elon Musk赞扬印度快速计票, 批评加利福尼亚州推迟的选举结果。 Elon Musk lauds India's quick vote count, criticizing California's delayed election results.
Elon Musk赞扬印度高效的选举进程, 一天计6. 4亿张选票, 与加利福尼亚州缓慢计票形成鲜明对比, 投票结果仍等选举结束后数周才开始。 Elon Musk praised India's efficient electoral process, which counted 640 million votes in a single day, contrasting it with the slow vote counting in California, where results are still pending weeks after the election. 由于需要核查邮寄选票和遵守州法规,加利福尼亚州的程序被推迟。 California's process is delayed due to the need to verify mail-in ballots and follow state regulations.