华盛顿市市长结束了薪资公平基金,威胁4 000名儿童保育工作者的工资提高。 D.C.'s mayor ended the Pay Equity Fund, threatening wage boosts for 4,000 child care workers.
由高收入者税收资助的华盛顿特区薪资公平基金将儿童保育工人的工资提高了7%,使约4 000名工人受益,使就业人数增加了7%。 Washington D.C.'s Pay Equity Fund, funded by taxes on high earners, raised child care workers' wages and increased employment by 7%, benefiting about 4,000 workers. 该方案的投资回报率为23%,并赢得了国家利益。 The program showed a 23% return on investment and gained national interest. 然而,华盛顿市市长最近取消了该基金,使人们对其未来和对儿童保育工作者的影响感到关切。 However, D.C.'s mayor recently zeroed out the fund, raising concerns about its future and the impact on child care workers.