Alton Davis因虐待动物在南卡罗来纳州被捕 在发现四只被虐待的狗后,一只死了 Alton Davis arrested in South Carolina for animal abuse after four mistreated dogs found, one dead.
在南卡罗来纳州安德森县,一名36岁的男子因虐待四只狗而被捕,其中一只被发现死亡。 A 36-year-old man in Anderson County, South Carolina, was arrested for mistreating four dogs, one of which was found dead. 这些被发现体重严重不足的幸存狗被带往安德森县PAWS治疗。 The surviving dogs, found severely underweight, were taken to Anderson County PAWS for treatment. Alton Davis被指控犯有4项动物虐待罪和1项不当埋葬罪,面临20 000美元的保证金。 Alton Davis was charged with four counts of animal abuse and one count of improper burial, facing a $20,000 bond.