3名男子被判犯有在贝尔法斯特谋杀Ian Ogle的2019年罪行,并被判处终身监禁。 Three men were found guilty of the 2019 murder of Ian Ogle in Belfast and sentenced to life in prison.
三名男子Glenn Raineey、Walter Ervine和Robert Spiers被判犯有谋杀Ian Ogle的2019年罪行。 Ian Ogle是45岁的父亲,在贝尔法斯特的家附近遭到殴打和刺伤。 Three men, Glenn Rainey, Walter Ervine, and Robert Spiers, have been found guilty of the 2019 murder of Ian Ogle, a 45-year-old father, who was beaten and stabbed near his home in Belfast. 法官注意到该地区两个派别之间不断发生争斗,并判处无期徒刑。 The judge noted an ongoing feud between two factions in the area and handed down life imprisonment sentences. 另外两名男子以前也承认犯罪,并被判处终身监禁。 Two other men previously admitted to the crime and were also sentenced to life in prison. 确定最低刑期的关税听证会定于7月举行。 A tariff hearing to determine the minimum prison terms is scheduled for July.