三名前魁北克养老基金执行官在美国被起诉,罪名是在印度受贿。 Three former Quebec pension fund executives are indicted in the U.S. for alleged bribery in India.
魁北克退休基金的三名前执行官在美国被起诉,指控他们在一项计划中扮演的角色是贿赂印度官员,贿赂金额超过2.5亿美元,以取得太阳能合同。 Three former executives of Quebec's pension fund have been indicted in the U.S. for their alleged role in a scheme to bribe Indian officials with over $250 million to secure solar energy contracts. Cyril Cabanes、Saurabh Agarwal和Deepak Malhotra被控阴谋欺骗投资者并妨碍司法公正。 Cyril Cabanes, Saurabh Agarwal, and Deepak Malhotra are accused of conspiring to deceive investors and obstruct justice. Adani集团作为据称阴谋的主要参与者,否认了这些指控。 The Adani Group, a major player in the alleged scheme, has denied the charges. 魁北克养老基金(魁北克储蓄和安置基金)正在与美国当局合作。 The Quebec pension fund, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, is cooperating with U.S. authorities.