星际公民推出了为期两周的免费活动,让玩家可以测试 150 多艘宇宙飞船和车辆。 Star Citizen launches a two-week free event, letting players test over 150 spaceships and vehicles.
Star Citizen, Sci-fi空间游戏, 提供为期两周的自由游戏活动, 从今天开始直到12月5日。 Star Citizen, a sci-fi space game, is offering a two-week free-to-play event starting today until December 5. 银河间宇宙航空博览会2954让玩家测试150多艘宇宙飞船和飞行器。 The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2954 lets players test over 150 spaceships and vehicles. 新球员得到一艘免费的Drake Cutter船,并可以参加MicroTech星球上的活动。 New players receive a free Drake Cutter ship and can participate in the event on the planet MicroTech. 博览会每48小时展示一次不同的船舶制造商, 玩家可以尝试徒步FPS和车辆游戏, 以及资源开采和赏金狩猎。 The expo showcases different ship manufacturers every 48 hours, and players can try on-foot FPS and vehicular gameplay, as well as resource mining and bounty hunting.