指定技术公司更新Firestop软件,简化AutodeskRevit用户的消防安全。 Specified Technologies Inc. updates Firestop software to simplify fire safety for Autodesk Revit users.
特定技术公司(STI)更新了Firest Blash管理软件(FCM)和Firestop Locator软件(FSL),使新手更容易在Autodesk Revit内找到和分配消防站解决方案。 Specified Technologies Inc. (STI) has updated its Firestop Clash Management (FCM) and Firestop Locator (FSL) software, making it easier for novices to locate and assign firestop solutions within Autodesk® Revit®. 新的FSL版本允许用户创建定制项目,以跟踪额外服务,并根据具体项目需求修改现有服务。 The new FSL version lets users create custom items to track additional services and modify existing ones for specific project needs. 财务内容管理系统和FSL之间的这种整合提高了数据的完整性,简化了建筑防火安全程序。 This integration between FCM and FSL enhances data integrity and streamlines the building fire safety process.