Shake Shack提供免费鸡三明治, Shake Shack offers free chicken sandwiches with a $10 purchase and promo code, gaining viral popularity.
纽约流行的快餐连锁店Shake Shak Shack自9月8日起便提供免费鸡三明治, Shake Shack, a popular New York fast-food chain, has been offering free chicken sandwiches since September 8, requiring a $10 minimum purchase and the promo code CHICKENSUNDAY. 三明治是用没有抗生素的鸡做的,目的是突出Shake Shack的质量,并与其他快餐连锁店竞争。 The sandwiches, made with antibiotic-free chicken, aim to highlight Shake Shack's quality and compete with other fast-food chains. 这项促销活动最初是秘密的,但最近引起了病毒式的关注,尤其是在周日的比赛日。 The promotion, initially secretive, has recently gained viral attention, especially on Sunday game days.