28岁的警察Kiran Pal在南德里夜间巡逻时被发现被刺死;调查正在进行中。 Police constable Kiran Pal, 28, found stabbed to death during night patrol in South Delhi; investigation underway.
一名28岁的警察名叫Kiran Pal,被发现在南德里Govindpuri地区夜间巡逻时被刺死。 A 28-year-old police constable named Kiran Pal was found stabbed to death during a night patrol in the Govindpuri area of South Delhi. 驻扎在Govindpuri警察局的Kiran被发现,多处刺伤。 Kiran, stationed at the Govindpuri Police Station, was discovered with multiple stab wounds. 警方已展开调查,包括审查闭路电视录像,以查明攻击者的身份并确定攻击的动机。 The police have launched an investigation, including reviewing CCTV footage, to identify the attackers and determine the motive behind the assault.