费城市市长Parker延长了工会合同,以5%的加薪和奖金避免罢工。 Philadelphia Mayor Parker extends union contract, avoiding strike with a 5% raise and bonus.
费城市长Cherelle Parker已与该市最大的市政工会AFSCME区理事会33达成为期一年的合同延期,避免可能发生的罢工。 Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker has reached a one-year contract extension with the city's largest municipal workers' union, AFSCME District Council 33, avoiding a potential strike. 该协议包括5%的加薪和9 000名工会成员的1 400美元一次性奖金。 The agreement includes a 5% raise and a $1,400 one-time bonus for the 9,000 union members. 这是30年来最高的涨幅。 This is the highest raise in 30 years. Parker市长和工会计划谈判一项从1月开始的长期合同。 Mayor Parker and the union plan to negotiate a long-term contract starting in January.