Las Cruces 同意就前警官枪杀 Teresa Gomez 一案达成 $20M 和解。 Las Cruces agrees to $20M settlement in fatal shooting of Teresa Gomez by former officer.
Las Cruces市已同意一项2 000万美元的解决方案,涉及2023年10月前警察Felipe Hernandez枪杀Teresa Gomez一案的诉讼。 The City of Las Cruces has agreed to a $20 million settlement in a lawsuit over the fatal shooting of Teresa Gomez by former police officer Felipe Hernandez in October 2023. Hernandez被指控犯有二级谋杀罪,并于2024年5月被免职。 Hernandez was charged with second-degree murder and relieved of his duties in May 2024. 对他的刑事审判定于2025年6月2日进行。 His criminal trial is set for June 2, 2025. 该市强调,定居点并不表示有罪,并将争取批准在2025年1月为定居点筹资。 The city stresses the settlement does not indicate guilt and will seek to approve financing for the settlement in January 2025.